Implementation Team Roles
What’s your role on your implementation team?
If you do not have a team, you are most likely a mentor.
I-Connect Coach
I-Connect Coaches are employed by the University of Kansas and are active members of the development team. They provide training, resources, and tech support.
Facilitators are traditionally district staff members. Facilitators can view all participants at all schools in their district.
Site-Facilitators are Principals and/or an I-Connect representative at your school. Site-Facilitators can view all mentors and students at their school.
Mentors are individuals that work with students using I-Connect 1-on-1. This could be a teacher, but is most likely a special educator. Mentors can only view the individual students assigned to them.
This is the individual that is using the I-Connect app & intervention. This could be a student or adult. Good candidates for I-Connect include individuals diagnosed with ADHD and/or ASD.
Stakeholders are parents, guardians, teachers, & other individuals that are given access to individual student data and charts. Stakeholders aren’t able to change monitoring questions, they can only view charts.

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