Frequently Asked Questions
Looking for answers? If you don’t find them here, feel free to send us an email!
In your email be sure to include; your location, the browser and type of device you are using, thoroughly describe the issue you are experiencing, and be sure to use as many details as possible, even include details that seem obvious. Finally if you can, attach some screen shots!
Please be patient as it will take us approximately 2-3 business days to respond to your request. Thank you for using I-Connect!
Why are my credentials not working on the mobile app?
Make sure that you are typing in the correct Username and Password (double check capitalization, spelling, etc.).
Remember–Mentors, Facilitators, & Site Facilitators use their credentials to login to the I-Connect Portal, not the mobile app.
Only Student User credentials can be used to login to the I-Connect Mobile App. If your student’s credentials aren’t working, then return to the I-Connect Portal and edit their account from there.
How do I select my user role?
I-Connect offers three different user roles for individuals who are associated with a school district; Facilitator, Site Facilitator, and Mentor. If you work in a school, ask your supervisor or team leadership which role they want you to sign up under. If you are an educator or associated with a school and you are using I-Connect independently, sign up as a mentor!
During registration parents, practitioners, employers, and individuals creating I-Connect accounts for themselves, will answer “no” to the question: “Are you affiliated with a school district?” This will then create an account for them as a Mentor that is non-school district affiliated.
Is I-Connect a stand-alone mobile application?
The I-Connect Mobile App can be downloaded onto mobile phones and tablets from the iOS App Store or Google Play Store. The Mobile App is where students and other users will self-monitor using the custom prompts set up within the I-Connect Portal. Users can also view their progress data through the “My Charts” option within the I-Connect Mobile App.
The I-Connect Mobile App works in conjunction with the I-Connect Portal. The I-Connect Portal is where Mentors, Facilitators, Site-Facilitators create and access their user’s accounts. Stakeholders that are assigned to users can also login to the I-Connect Portal to view their affiliated user’s progress data.
You are currently here. The I-Connect website offers access to a wide range of training videos and implementation resources to accompany the I-Connect self-monitoring app and intervention. The website also stores publications and presentations that include research using I-Connect.
I-Connect is currently only on mobile devices but this feature is Coming Soon!
I forgot my I-Connect Portal Password...
If you are a Site Facilitator, Facilitator, or Mentor first go to the I-Connect Portal Login Page. At the top right corner of the page you will see “Forgot Password” link, click on the link and enter the email address associated with your account. Check your email and update your password.
If you are affiliated with a school district, your login email should be your school email. If you are having issues remembering your I-Connect login email, please email us.
I forgot my I-Connect mobile app username or password...
Did your student, child, client, or employee user forget their mobile app login username or password?
If you created the user’s account, you will need to login to the I-Connect Portal as yourself, find their account and at this point you can inform them of their username or change their password for them.
Do you use the I-Connect mobile app and forgot your username or password?
In order to use the mobile app, you or someone else had to register in the I-Connect Portal to create a mobile user account. You or the account creator should return to the I-Connect portal, login, find your account, and there you can access your username and update your password.
I'm unable to view I-Connect charts?
If your student, child, client, or employee user is self-monitoring using I-Connect and responding to their custom prompts, you WILL be able to view their charts. Mentors, Facilitators, Site-Facilitators, and Stakeholders can view charts in the I-Connect Portal and user can view their charts using the mobile app. If you or the user is unable to view their charts, this may be a sign that they are not responding to the prompts properly or at all. Consider retraining the student on how to properly respond to prompts, visit our Training Tab for informational videos to help you do this.
How does I-Connect protect user privacy?
I-Connect takes the protection of your privacy very seriously. We promise to do our very best to protect you and be open in communicating with you! Please see the I-Connect Privacy and Safety Statement for more details on our commitment to you!